Since its inception in 2011, Google App Engine High Replication Datastore (HRD) has grown and currently processes over 4.5 trillion transactions per month with 99.95% uptime. In addition, HRD serves as the basis of Google Cloud Datastore, which we announced last week at Google I/O.

We are always evaluating opportunities to create more value for you and today we are reducing Datastore prices by up to 25%. This price change impacts both App Engine HRD and Cloud Datastore.

Below is a breakdown of the new pricing:

ResourceOld Unit CostNew Unit Cost
Stored Data (Datastore)$0.24 / GB / Month$0.18 / GB / Month

Operation Old Cost New Cost
Write $0.10 per 100k operations $0.09 per 100k operations
Read $0.07 per 100k operations $0.06 per 100k operations
Small $0.01 per 100k operations unchanged

If you are unfamiliar with Datastore you can learn more about App Engine HRD and Cloud Datastore.